Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

General Ribbon Bar

The General ribbon bar provides quick access to the functions available in Campaign Manager.

Double-click the General tab to collapse the ribbon bar, this increases the viewing area of the Campaign Manager screen.

The functions that you can see on the ribbon bar depend on your user permissions and product licenses.

The following table describes each function.

The following table describes each function.

Function Description
Campaign Central Launches the Campaign Manager Central home page, from which you can perform a range of common tasks such as identifying segments and planning new campaigns. You can see a list of recently viewed documents and templates, and view support and training materials in the Campaign Manager News pane.
Admin Tool Launches the Campaign Manager Administration tool, from which you can configure your document administration.
Variable Manager Launches the Variable Manager application, from which you can create and manage campaigns, variables, subscriptions and programs.
New Displays a drop-down list from which you can select a new document type to create.
Documents Launches the Document Explorer, from which you can open existing documents as well as upload files and download files.
Enable Design Click this button when configuring dashboards or query forms to toggle on or off the display of design fields for editing.
Save Saves changes to the current document. You can also click the drop-down arrow to access the Save As option, to specify a new location in the Document Explorer in which to save the document.
Files Click the drop-down arrow to import/export a file from/to your local machine. You can also use the export options to export a document to PDF. Certain document types such as crosstabulation grids can also be exported to Excel documents or an Engine table.

Click the drop-down to display a number of options that control screen behavior in a number of areas:

  • Data Toggles the Data tab on the Data Explorer Pane on and off.
  • Tools Toggles the Tools tab on the Data Explorer Pane on and off.
  • Templates Toggles the Templates tab on the Data Explorer Pane on and off.
  • Counts Select how you wish counts to be displayed on the Campaign Tracks tab. The options are: 'None', 'On mouse-over' and 'In-line'.
  • Expand All Expands all nodes on the active document.
  • Collapse All Collapses all nodes on the active document.
  • Reveal Templates When working with a segment document that contains multiple items, selecting this option will highlight the items that were added using a template.

  • Expand Editors Expands all Tool editors in the active document.
  • Collapse Editors Collapses all Tool editors in the active document.
  • Presentation Mode Turns the ribbon bar and Document bar off to allow more screen space for the display of documents on the workspace. Click the button in the top left hand corner of the screen to return to the default screen view.
Print It is possible to print certain documents, for example Dashboards. The print option will be grayed out for documents that cannot be printed.
Windows Standard functions When working with documents you can use a range of standard functions including Undo, Redo, Copy and Paste.
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